When Michelle Obama walked onto the stage at the DNC last night, July 25, there was almost a collective gasp in the stadium and across the country from viewers. What a relief to see the First Lady, looking like a beacon of hope for the future, as she strode out confidently in her stunning blue Christian Siriano dress.
Her buoyant smiling presence reminded us that all in America was not doom and gloom. Last week, Donald Trump painted an apocalyptic view of an America in despair and on the brink of chaos in his GOP acceptance speech. You could practically feel the zombie hordes or White Walkers outside of his Cleveland convention hall.
All of America would be lost if we didn’t just give in to his big bully ways, build a wall, deport 11 million people and put up the barricades to keep all ‘banned’ Muslims from entering our doors. But, Michelle Obama was having none of that. In her impassioned speech, she brought us back to the reality of what truly makes America great.
“When crisis hits, we don’t turn against each other. No, we listen to each other. We lean on each other because we are always stronger together,” she pointed out. “I want… a president who truly believes that our Founders put forth all those years ago that we are all created equal, each a beloved part of the great American story.”
Michelle Obama — SEE PICS!
That’s right. Michelle, with her smile, her open arms and her vision of positivity, reminded us all that our country is about each individual, no matter what their racial or ethnic background, their sexual orientation, their religion or how many generations they have been here – are all equal Americans.
Muslim Americans should not be subjected to special surveillance and questioning. Americans with Mexican heritage should not be told they can’t do their jobs impartially. Gay Americans shouldn’t be denied the right to marry the person they love or be forced into “conversion therapy.” LGBT Americans shouldn’t be treated as if they are perverts who can’t use public restrooms and women shouldn’t be called “ungrateful” because they file sexual harassment claims against a powerful boss.
Michelle didn’t ever utter Donald Trump’s name, but she elegantly rejected all of his efforts to turn Americans against one another because of their differences. She referenced him and his devotees namelessly when she talked about how she and her husband, President Obama, tried to guide their daughters, Malia and Sasha, through the cruel insults that he has been subjected to though his presidency.
“We urge them to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith. How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country,” she shared. “How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, ‘When they go low, we go high.'”
Michelle’s whole life has been an exercise in going “high.” She grew up in DeYoung, Illinois. Her dad was a city water plant employee and her mom was a secretary at the Spiegel’s catalogue store. Her great- great- grandparents were slaves. But, she grew up to graduate from Princeton University and Harvard Law School.
She gave up a distinguished law career when she became First Lady, where she advocated for military families and healthy eating and exercise for children and teenagers. Michelle is the epitome of the American dream. Through her own and her parents dedication to work and exemplary values, she became an extraordinarily successful career woman, mother, wife and First Lady.
And, she did that by being optimistic, loving, empathetic, inclusive, and having some great dance moves and karaoke skills. We would all do well to plagiarize HER values, hard work and hopeful outlook on life. We need to move this country forward, not backward as she urged. We need to show our children decency and devotion.
“So, look, don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great. That, somehow, we need to make it great again,” she asserted. “Because, this, right now, is the greatest country on Earth.”
That’s right. And Michelle Obama is one of the people who has helped make it that way. If we could all plagiarize more of her life’s work and philosophy it could be even greater.
Do you agree, Hollywoodlifers? Are you inspired by Michelle as a positive role model? Let me know.