Prince Predicted A Woman President In Lost Interview With Rolling Stone

A never before seen Prince interview with 'Rolling Stone' has resurfaced in the wake of his death and he definitely had a lot to say when it came to politics. The late icon predicted that the United States would elect a woman president in 2016. Now that's spooky! Prince, 57, had a lot of talent when in came to music, but we had no clue the icon may have had some other-worldly powers as well! The Purple One's 2014 interview with Rolling Stone recently resurfaced and he made some pretty spooky predictions that a woman would be elected as president. We're not calling it just yet, but the coincidence of Hillary Clinton, 68, running is kind of freaky, don't you think?

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“We’re in the feminine aspect now. That’s where society is. You’re gonna get a woman president soon. Men have gone as far as they can, right?  … I learn from women a lot quicker than I do from men,” he said. The interview, which was supposed to be the magazine’s cover story, but was later scrapped for a feature, shared a lot of insightful news about Prince’s opinion on feminism, according to Us Weekly. “At a certain point, you’re supposed to know what it means to be a man, but now what do you know about what it means to be a woman? Do you know how to listen? Most men don’t know how to listen,” he told the magazine from his Paisley Park studios.

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Unfortunately, Prince unexpectedly died at the age of 57 after he was found unresponsive in his home elevator, but we have a feeling about which direction he might have been leaning in for this upcoming Presidential election. Although Hillary has a little longer to go in the primary stretch, she is assumed to be the Democratic front-runner, and will potentially take on Republican front-runner, Donald Trump, 69.

HollywoodLifers, do you think Prince’s predictions will come true? Who are you voting for this presidential election season?