Terry Crews Reveals His Addiction To Porn Nearly Destroyed His Marriage: Rehab Saved It

Whoa. Terry Crews just revealed that his crazy porn addiction almost brought his marriage to shambles, but after a little stint in rehab, his relationship with his wife was saved. HollywoodLife.com has all the details here. Terry Crews, 47, is all about healing nowadays. The Ridiculous 6 star has come clean in a three part video diary about his wild porn addiction, which nearly tore him and his wife Rebecca King-Crews, 49, apart. How did rehab fix their relationship? Find out here.

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Terry Crews Porn Addiction
Image Credit: Rex Images

In Terry’s first video diary that he shared on his Facebook page, titled “Dirty Little Secret,” he opened up about the habit he was addicted to for years. He reveals that he overcame the addiction six or seven years ago, but it really messed up his life in many ways. “It became a thing where I didn’t tell anybody. It was my secret, nobody knew, and that allowed it to grow, and it got bad,” Terry explained. “If day turns into night and you are still watching, you probably got a problem, and that was me. I didn’t tell my wife, didn’t tell my friends, nobody knew.”

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Terry decided that he no longer wanted to keep this secret bottled up inside of him. “When you put it out there in the open it loses its power,” he said. Now that he’s clean, it has become his “battle to help other people who are going through the same thing.” Wow, good for him! Terry shared that once Rebecca confronted him about it, he decided to tackle the issue and seek some help. “My wife was literally like, ‘I don’t know you anymore, I’m out of here,’ ” he said. “That changed me. I had to change because I realized this thing is a major, major problem. I literally had to go to rehab for it.”

In his most recent video, Terry shared the most shocking details of his addiction. “I had the biggest sense of entitlement, ever,” he admitted. “I felt the world owed me something. I felt like my wife owed me sex. When you have a sense of entitlement, it’s extremely dangerous,” he said. “What entitlement does is it gives you self-pity. And self-pity … feels good.”

Through therapy and Terry’s trip to rehab, his marriage became a lot more stronger.”Guys, you have to examine what you believe about you in your relationships. … If you do not change your beliefs, it is impossible to change your action,” Crews urged to his viewers. “The more we talk about it, the more we can beat it.” Not too long ago, Terry revealed that Rebecca and him also had a 90-Day “Sex Fast” to help them both reconnect and it worked! That’s great because we wish nothing but the best for him and his wife!

HollywoodLifers, what do you think about Terry’s stint in rehab to help his wild porn addiction? Let us know!