“It’s been actually amazing just watching the fans react because I actually feel like they were craving it,” Vanessa said. “Some were angry or in denial and now they’re in acceptance and they see me in a good place now and it’s been fun to kind of go on that ride with them. It’s also an episode that you don’t just watch once, you have to watch it more than one time. It’s been really awesome for me. Nothing like this has ever happened to me in my acting career so it is cool!”
Of course, we’d been teased with the reveal of “A” before and so, being the seasoned PLL viewers that we are, we asked Vanessa if this reveal was going to stick for real. “It’s gonna stick man,” she said. “We’re gonna ride this out. There’s other things we need to figure out like who killed my mom. But we’ll figure those things out!”
We certainly will (maybe)! What did you think of the big reveal? Be honest, are you amongst those fans who were downright angry over the whole thing?
— Casey Mink
Follow @Casey_Mink