'The Lying Game' Recap: Emma Tells Mads About The Switch

Has Emma completely lost her mind? We all knew it was bound to happen eventually. Emma and Sutton (Alexandra Chando) switched places -- again -- on the Feb. 6 episode of The Lying Game, leading to a whole lot of confusion. And even more revelations. For starters, Mads (Alice Greczyn) found out that Sutton hit on Ryan (Misha Crosby) at the black-and-white ball, which led Emma to reveal the truth: She's not Sutton! Dun, dun, dun!

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Image Credit: Courtesy of ABC Family

And Justin “Crazy Eyes” Miller (Randy Wayne) continued dating Laurel (Allie Gonino) on the DL, but things got a little awkward when he attended her concert and watched as sparks flew between her and Baz (Adam Brooks).

Meanwhile, Sutton and Ethan (Blair Redford) spent the day with Papa Whitehorse, while Ethan hid out from the fuzz. Alec (Adrian Pasdar) is still convinced he killed Derek (Ben Elliott), and until we find out who was in the other car that night, something tells me Alec won’t be backing down.

And lastly, but most importantly, Alec and Rebecca (Charisma Carpenter) totally boned for the first time. Or was it the first time? If my theory about Alec being the twins’ dad is correct, then he’s all-too familiar with the inner workings of Rebecca Sewell.

What did you think of this week’s Lying Game? Will Emma really tell Mads the whole truth about the switch? Who really killed Derek? And do you think Rebecca trying to get herself knocked up (again)? See you in the comments section!

— Andy Swift

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