Angela Kinsey On Her Beauty Essentials & Why Eyeliner Is Her Enemy

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‘The Office’ star tells you why she would dye her blonde locks darker, but her character would never dare.

Clairol spokeswoman Angela Kinsey tells HollywoodLife exclusively about her beauty essentials and how she juggles being a mom with her busy television work schedule, while still maintaining a beauty routine.

What are your three beauty essentials that you couldn’t do without?
“Sunscreen, lip gloss and a little powder compact.”

Have you ever personally considered dying your hair a darker blonde or brunette shade?
“I have! I once put in a lot if low lights. I really liked it. For the People’s Choice Awards, I went with Nice ‘n Easy Color Blend Foam shade 10, Extra Light Blonde.”

Do you think your character, Angela Martin, on The Office would ever be a brunette?
“No way. She is too prissy about her look. She has probably had the same hair style her whole life.”

As a busy working mom, do you have any time saving beauty secrets?
“I keep a little wicker basket by my front door with sunscreen, a powder compact and lip gloss. I am usually rushing so I can do a quick touch up on the way out the door.”

What is your favorite part of getting all dolled up for a red carpet event and what is your least favorite part?
“Well I am very much a jeans and t-shirt gal so it is fun to force myself out of that comfort zone. Hmmm my least favorite part would be eye liner! I hardly ever where eye makeup in my normal life and it makes my eyes water. Oh and high heels. Ouchy after 6 hours.”

Who would you say is your biggest beauty inspiration?
“My oldest sister, Billie Jo, she always looks so classy and beautiful without being too made up. She has a real sense of style and grace. A beautiful lady.”

Eden Univer