Jesse James Disses Sandra Bullock: Kat Von D 100% Better In Bed! What A Jerk!

Jesse calls his fiancee Kat Von D a 'vixen' -- and says Sandra made him feel unloved! He's still a loser! Poor Sandra Bullock! She's never going to be able to push her pathetic ex-husband Jesse James out of the spotlight. Jesse went on Howard Stern’s Sirius satellite show on May 4 -- and says Sandra was a lousy lover!

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Howard asks Jesse: “Who’s more fun in bed — Sandra Bullock or Kat Von D?”

Jesse quickly supports his latest fiancee, Kat. “That one’s an easy no-brainer,” Jesse says. “100 percent! She’s a vixen, man. I love her.”

So what does Kat do that turns him on so much? “The way she gets in my head and makes me feel,” says Jesse. “It’s a mental thing — just connected on a whole different level.”

“I’m devoting my life to this chick and she’s rad,” Jesse continues. And “if she cheated on me, I would forgive her and still love her.”

When it comes to cheating, Jesse is the king — so we’d guess he should know!

He also claims Sandra never made him feel loved the way Kat does. Sandra “could stand there in front of the world and say she loved me, but in my mind I was thinking, ‘Yeah? Bulls**t. You don’t love me. I’m just some biker kid,'” Jesse says.

Jesse also claims Kat stood by him when his cheating ways broke up his relationship with Sandra and made him an outcast.

“When everybody kind of turned their back on me and … and totally persecuted me and, like, nobody wanted to be my friend — she was there for me through all of it,” Jesse says of Kat. “Who would imagine that one year later I would be happier than I’ve ever been? There’s only one now — and one forever.”

How awful! Did Jesse have to jab Sandra that way on national radio? He’s already done enough to break her heart — now this?

BFFs — what do you think of Jesse’s over-sharing on Howard Stern?

– Lindsey DiMattina

More Stories:

  1. Sandra Cuts Off Contact With Jesse’s Kids!
  2. Jesse’s Tell-All Book: He Spills On His Affair!
  3. Sandra Devastated By Jesse’s Engagement!