DC Housewife Catherine Ommanney Says She Hooked Up With Prince Harry! Details Of Their One-Night Romance!

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Harry kissed Catherine ‘more than once,’ even though he had a girlfriend at the time! Talk about scandalous!

The Real Housewives of Washington D.C. star Catherine Ommanney has a very steamy past. Four years ago, she hooked up with Prince Harry, the third in line to the English thrown! “We had a great time and a fun evening,” she originally told British newspaper Mail on Sunday in July 2006 (two months after her date.) “We started talking and that was it for the rest of the evening. I was quite taken aback by him!”

Catherine and Harry met when they were both invited out by mutual friends to have drinks at Art Bar in Fulham, London. “He’s very mature,” Cathy said of the prince. “He’s not like a 21-year-old. He’s also got a cheeky sense of humor!” At the time of the encounter, Catherine was 35 and Harry was 21.

After grabbing a couple drinks, the crew headed out to local nightclub Eclipse Chelsea. Catherine and Harry allegedly cuddled in the back of his Range Rover as two security guards escorted them to the club, and upon entering the VIP section, Catherine jokingly grabbed Harry’s hat off his head.

Later in the night, Catherine and Harry stopped by a friend’s house where they were locked in the bathroom together! “We were play fighting again,” Cathy said. “One of us shoved the other and ended up in the empty bath. We then both sat in it with our feet hanging over the edge!”

And when it was time to go home, that’s when Prince Harry kissed Cathy! Harry “lifted me off of the floor and kissed me,” she told the paper. “It was a long and lovely kiss. He did kiss me again. It wasn’t just once.”

Sadly, that was the end of Cathy’s short-lived romance with Prince Harry. Though he asked for her number and they texted back and forth for a few days, “I’ve not heard from him since,” confessed Cathy!

During the time of the steamy hookup, Catherine was separated from then husband Stephen Davies. Harry, on the other hand, wasn’t single. He was in a relationship with Chelsy Davy! Yikes!

— Lindsey DiMattina