Sure, Miley Cyrus makes a mint for being a pop princess/actress — but your salary for Hannah Montana is just a tiny fraction of what 16-year-old Two and a Half Men star Angus T. Jones makes!
If I got paid $15,000 for work on one episode of a TV show, I’d consider myself the luckiest person on the planet! But when it comes to the cut-throat world of child/teen TV acting … $15,000 isn’t exactly the big bucks. When I discovered popstar Miley Cyrus quit her Disney gig Hannah Montana after four years I was shocked! But today I think I’ve figured out what made it so easy for Miley to leave Hannah and her blonde wig behind … Miley makes $15,000 an episode! Ok, ok: It’s a ton of money BUT Miley makes five times that amount in a single concert!
Here’s the kicker — according to the New York Post, Angus T. Jones, 16, the star of CBS’ hit series Two and a Half Men, makes $250,000 an episode! What?! I guarantee more people know who Miley is than Angus — she’s a household name! So why is Disney paying Miley $235,000 less than what CBS is shelling out to Angus? It’s not like Disney can’t afford it — they pay Wizards of Waverly Place star Selena Gomez, $25,000 and they pay each of the Suite Life stars, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, $20,000!
It seems like everyone is making more than Miley! But Hollywood agent Jackie Lewis says even $25,000 ends up not being that much. “10 percent goes to the agent and 10-15 percent goes to the manager and 15 percent goes to the Coogan Account (a trust fund account established by the State of California for underage actors),” she says. “So even if a kid is making $25,000 a week, he or she may see only 30 to 40 percent of that money.”