‘Upload’ is a new Amazon Prime Video series that follows a young app developer, Nathan Brown (Robbie Amell), who winds up in the hospital following a self-driving car accident. In a rushed decision with his shallow girlfriend Ingrid (Allegra Edwards), he chooses to be uploaded to her family’s luxurious virtual afterlife, the Horizen company’s “Lakeview.” Once uploaded in Lakeview, Nathan meets his customer service “Angel” Nora Anthony (Andy Allo). At first, she’s simply his guide in the afterlife, but she soon becomes his friend and confidante. ‘Upload’ is set in the technologically advanced future where hologram phones, 3D food printers, and automated grocery stores are the norm. The new sci-fi comedy was created by ‘Parks & Recreation’ writer Greg Daniels. All 10 episodes will be available on May 1. The series also stars Zainab Johnson and Kevin Bigley. See more photos of ‘Upload’ in our gallery now.