‘Ultimate Tag’ is a brand-new competition series that premieres May 20 on FOX. The show is co-hosted by NFL superstar sibling trio JJ, TJ, and Derek Watt. According to the official synopsis, ‘Ultimate Tag’ is a high-octane physical competition show based on the classic playground game of chase. Each week, competitors – who are everyday citizens and not professional athletes – must vault, dodge, tumble and dive over various epic, three-dimensional moving courses, all for one simple goal: don’t get caught. As competitors progress, they are challenged to take on even more extreme courses and earn points for their performance in each heart-pounding game. Chasing the contestants every step of the way are a variety of resident ‘professional’ Taggers, larger-than-life characters who have a range of jaw-dropping athletic skills. These Taggers are intermittently released into the course, and only those contestants who can outlast them the longest will secure their place in the championship game and a chance at a huge cash prize. See more photos of ‘Ultimate Tag’ now.