‘Twenties’ is a new BET series from creator and executive producer Lena Waithe. The series centers around a screenwriter Hattie and her girlfriends Marie and Nia as they pursue their dreams and love, while testing the limits of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Los Angeles. After finding herself homeless and down on her luck, Hattie is fortunately introduced to Ida B., a powerful writer and producer who finds a soft spot for Hattie, giving her the opportunity to work on Ida B.’s show as an assistant. Hattie searches to find her voice as a writer and the right girl. Marie and her husband Chuck take in Hattie after she get’s evicted, but that proves to be only one shake up in their seemingly perfect relationship. At work, Marie is pitted against the only other black film executive for a promotion. Once a successful child performer, Nia is now a spirited yoga instructor who decides to get back into acting. While they live separate lives, the girls lean on each other for guidance as they navigate their twenties. See more photos in our gallery now.