Ask yourself one question: where would our world be without UBER? We have one person to thank for the creation of the world’s most reliable modern-day taxi service, and that person is Travis Kalanick. Born in 1976 and a Los Angeles native, Kalanick attended UCLA with the intention of earning a degree in Business Economics, but dropped out in the pursuit to find entrepreneurial success. In 2010, he became co-founder and CEO of UBER, one of the world’s most used transportation services. He held his title until he resigned in 2017, when Uber had reportedly engaged in “unethical” business culture.
Ranked in the high 230s on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, Kalanick is worth a whopping $3.1 billion (shout out to you, UBER!) While he is unmarried, he surely enjoys the sweet bachelor life where he resides in San Francisco, California. Click through this gallery for pics of this uber billionaire!