‘Spinning Out’ is a brand-new Netflix series that follows Kat Baker (Kaya Scodelario), a talented, up-and-coming elite figure skater who’s ready to turn in her skates after a disastrous fall took her off the competition track. However, when she’s presented a second chance as a pair skater, she seizes the opportunity to continue her career and pairs up with talent pair skater and resident bad boy Justin (Evan Roderick). She soon realizes that in order to chase her skating dreams, she’ll have to overcome fractured family relationships, a rocky partnership, and personal demons that threaten to derail everything she’s worked for. The series also stars January Jones, Willow Shields, Amanda Zhou, Will Kemp, Svetlana Efremova, Mitchell Edwards, Sarah Wright Olsen, David James Elliott, Johnny Weir, Kaitlyn Leeb, and Jonathan Van Ness. The first season will drop Jan. 1, 2020. See more photos of ‘Spinning Out’ in our gallery now.