‘Reef Break’ is a summer series airing on ABC. The one-hour drama, consisting of 13 episodes, stars Poppy Montgomery as Cat Chambers, a thief-turned-fixer for the governor of a stunning and seductive Pacific Island paradise. Cat’s less-than-perfect past gives her an instinctive gift for understanding crime and criminals. Over the course of the season, she becomes entrenched in high-stakes adventures and island intrigue. Cat makes waves for pretty much everyone, including her FBI agent ex-husband, her imprisoned crime boss, and a police detective lover who is in over his head. ‘Reef Break’ stars Ray Stevenson, Desmond Chiam, Melissa Bonne, and Tamela Shelton. La La Anthony will also be guest-starring as Regina Casey. Marcia Gay Harden will make an appearance as well. The show airs Thursdays on ABC and was filmed on location in Queensland, Australia. See more photos of ‘Reef Break’ in our gallery now.