The ‘Queer As Folk’ revival series premieres June 9 on Peacock. The series is a vibrant reimagining of the groundbreaking British series created by Russell T. Davies, exploring a diverse group of friends in New Orleans whose lives are transformed in the aftermath of a tragedy. The cast includes Devin Way, Jesse James Keitel, Fin Argus, CG, Johnny Sibilly, Ryan O’Connell, Kim Cattrall, and Juliette Lewis.
‘I wanted to create a new groundbreaking version of this show for this moment. Our new ‘Queer as Folk’ is set in New Orleans — one of the most unique queer communities in North America – and I am immensely proud that the new series is comprised of an electric ensemble of fresh characters that mirror the modern global audience. If there’s one person who is able to see Queer as Folk and feel less alone, or who now feels more supported and seen, our job is done. In the true spirit of the original, our show doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of our community, but above all else, the series is about people who live vibrant, vital, unapologetically queer lives,’ creator, executive producer, writer, and director Stephen Dunn said in a statement. See photos of the cast in our gallery now.