Welcome to Pose: an American drama television series about the African-American and Latino LGBTQ community of New York City. The first season of this fabulous drama series, which focuses on the gender-nonconforming ballroom culture scene in Manhattan during the 1980s, makes its television debut in the summer of 2018. The series characters include various dancers and models, which exemplify the legitimate diversity across the LGBTQ community we have today. The “underground culture” they live amongst is showcased in each episode, and consists of an array of art, creativity and uniqueness.
One of the show’s beloved character’s named Pray Tell, is played by none other than the fabulous Billy Porter- an iconic symbol of the LGBTQ and African-American community in Hollywood today. As shown in this photo, Pray Tell graces the screen with his exuberant wardrobe throughout the season, along with a cast full of colorful characters shown in this gallery. Scroll through for pics of Pose season 1’s fabulous, lively cast!