‘Outmatched’ is a brand-new FOX comedy series that premieres Jan. 23. The show follows Mike and Kay, the parents of four children, three of whom are geniuses. Having extremely intelligent kids is tough for two working parents who barely go through high school. Brian is a condescending and pretentious 16-year-old math whiz, who thinks he already knows more about the world than Mike and Kay ever will, even though he’s never actually been out of New Jersey. His 15-year-old sister, Nicole, is a deceptive and fiercely competitive language prodigy who can manipulate her parents into getting anything she wants. The youngest and most recently anointed child prodigy is Marc, a 10-year-old music savant. Introverted and idiosyncratic, he just wants everyone to leave him alone, so he can become the next Beethoven in peace. And then there 8-year-old Leila, who is not a genius. The show also stars Finesse Mitchell and Tisha Campbell-Martin as Irwin and Rita. See more photos in our gallery.