Disney Junior’s ‘Mira, Royal Detective’ is an animated mystery-adventure series for preschoolers inspired by the cultures and customs of India. Set in the fictional land of Jalpur, the series follows the brave and resourceful Mira, a commoner who is appointed to the role of royal detective by the Queen. Along with her friend Prince Neel, a talented inventor, creative cousin Priya, and comical mongoose sidekicks Mikku and Chikku, Mira will stop at nothing to solve a case. Each episode features two 11-minute music- and dance-filled stories that showcase Mira utilizing critical thinking and deductive reasoning to help her family, friends and extended community. The series stars Leela Ladnier as Mira, Freida Pinto as Queen Shanti, Kal Penn as Mikku, Utkarsh Ambudkar as Chikku, Hannah Simone as Pinky, and Jameela Jamil as Auntie Pushpa. See more photos of ‘Mira, Royal Detective’ in our gallery now.