The hit NBC sitcom aired for 10 seasons, from 1994 through 2004. It initially saw six pals — Chandler, Joey, Ross, Rachel, Monica & Phoebe — navigate life in New York City as mid-twenties pals trying to figure out life, love and their careers. Through the course of the decade they aged into their thirties, with Chandler & Monica marrying and adopting twins, Rachel & Ross having an on-again/off-again romance that ended up producing a baby daughter, habitual dater Phoebe eventually finding love and marrying a musician named Mike while Joey remained ever the ladies man to the very end. In real life, co-stars Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston became very close pals throughout the time the show show aired and well after it finished filming. 15 years later Lisa and Courteney shared Instagram photos of them hanging out at home on a Saturday night together in April of 2019.