‘Connecting…’ is an ensemble comedy series that premieres Oct. 8 on NBC. The show follows a group of friends trying to stay close (and sane) through video chats as they share the highs and lows of these extraordinary times. ‘Connecting…’ stars Otmara Marrero as Annie, Ely Henry as Rufus, Preacher Lawson as Ben, Parvesh Cheena as Darius, Jill Knox as Michelle, Keith Powell as Garrett, and Shakina Nayfack as Ellis. The series will consist of 8 episodes, all of which were shot virtually. ‘There are positives and negatives. It’s nice to be able to have lunch in your own house instead of catering food, and it’s a little difficult. You kind of miss the ease of just being in a space with people and being more demonstrative with how you want something to be with the cameras or anything else. But it’s just a lot of explaining,’ creator and EP Martin Gero said. See more photos of ‘Connecting…’ in our gallery now.