‘Bridge & Tunnel’ is an EPIX series that premiered in January 2021. The series was written, directed, and produced by Ed Burns. Ed is best known for his roles in ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ ‘Life or Something Like It,’ and more. His new dramedy is set in 1980 and revolves around a group of recent college grads setting out to pursue their dreams in Manhattan while still clinging to the familiarity of their working-class Long Island home town. The series was filmed on location during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show’s first season left things open-ended in hopes of a second season. The ensemble cast includes Sam Vartholomeos, Caitlin Stasey, Gigi Zumbado, JanLuis Castellanos, Brian Muller, Isabella Farrell, and Barrett Wilbert Weed. HollywoodLife spoke with Caitlin about her hopes for her character, Jill, and a possible second season. See more photos of ‘Bridge & Tunnel’ in our gallery now.