‘Brews Brothers’ is a new Netflix comedy series that was released on April 10. The series follows two estranged brothers, Wilhelm (Alan Aisenberg) and Adam Rodman (Mike Castle), who find themselves running a brewery in Van Nuys together. Each one is a beer genius… a braumeister, but they couldn’t be more different in their beer-making techniques and personalities. Adam and Wilhelm will have to work together in order for their brewery to succeed. Will they be able to put aside their differences or not? Time will tell. Nevertheless, there will be plenty of hilarious adventures along the way. ‘Brews Brothers’ also stars Carmen Flood as Sarah and Marques Ray as Chuy. Greg Schaffer serves as showrunner, executive producer and writer. Jeff Schaffer, Jonathan Stern, and Keith Quinn serve as executive producers. The first season will consist of 8 episodes. See more photos of ‘Brews Brothers’ in our gallery now.