It’s not summer without ‘Big Brother.’ Meet the 16 new houseguests that make up ‘Big Brother’ season 24.
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‘Big Brother’ Season 24 Cast: Photos

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Joesph Abdin

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Joe ‘Pooch’ Picciarelli

4 of 17
Taylor Hale

5 of 17
Michael Bruner

6 of 17
Monte Taylor

7 of 17
Ameerah Jones

8 of 17
Matthew Turner

9 of 17
Jasmine Davis

10 of 17
Palomar Agular

11 of 17
Nicole Layog

12 of 17
Daniel Durston

13 of 17
Indy Santos

14 of 17
Kyle Capener

15 of 17
Brittany Hoopes

16 of 17
Terrance Higgins

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Marvin Achi