Netflix’s brand-new series ‘Away’ is a thrilling and emotional space drama. The show follows American astronaut Emma Green, played by Oscar-winner Hilary Swank, as she prepares to lead an international crew on the first manned mission to Mars. However, everything is not perfect in Emma’s life. She must reconcile her decision to leave her husband (Josh Charles) and teenage daughter (Talitha Bateman) behind for 3 years when they need her the most. As the crew’s journey into space intensifies, their personal dynamics and the effects of being away from their loved ones back on Earth become increasingly complex. The astronauts also have to battle a series of challenges while en route to Mars. The series also stars Ato Essandoh as Kwesi, Mark Ivanir as Misha, Ray Panthaki as Ram, and Vivian Wu as Yu. ‘Away’ will launch Sept. 4 on Netflix. See more photos of the series in our gallery now.