‘A Teacher’ is an FX limited series that premiered Nov. 10. The show stars Kate Mara and Nick Robinson. It explores the complexities and consequences of a predatory relationship between Claire Wilson, a young teacher at a suburban Texas high school, and her student, Eric Walker. Eric is the captain of the soccer team and trying to live it up his senior year of high school while trying to prepare for college. Claire agrees to help him prepare for his SAT test. As Claire and Eric begin to spend more time together, boundaries are crossed, and a subtle game of grooming begins. The permanent damage left in the wake of Claire’s choices becomes impossible for them, and their friends and family, to ignore. The show also stars Shane Harper, Dylan Schmid, Rya Ingrid Kihlstedt, and more. ‘A Teacher’ was created by Hannah Fidell, who also serves as writer, director, and executive producer. See more photos of ‘A Teacher’ in our gallery now.