Bollywood has lost an incredible talent. Actor Irrfan Khan died on April 29, 2020. He passed away at the age of 53 in the ICU at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital due to a colon infection, his PR agency told CNN. Irrfan had battled cancer for years, but he remained strong to the end. His legacy will be remembered forever. HollywoodLife has rounded up 5 key things to remember about Irrfan.
1. Irrfan revealed in 2018 that he had been diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor. He tweeted the news on March 16, 2018. “The unexpected makes us grow, which is what the past few days have been about,” Irrfan tweeted. “Learning that I have been diagnosed with NeuroEndocrine Tumour as of now has admittedly been difficult, but the love and strength of those around me and that I found within me has brought me to a place of hope.” Neuroendocrine tumors are cancers that begin in the body’s neuroendocrine cells, according to The Mayo Clinic.
2. He starred in Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi. Irrfan played the Police Inspector in 2008’s Slumdog Millionaire, which went on to win 8 Oscars. Irrfan played the adult Pi in 2012’s Life of Pi. He starred in a number of Indian films over the course of his career.
3. He was awarded one of India’s highest civilian honors. The actor was awarded the Padma Shri in 2011, which is India’s fourth-highest civilian honor. The award is given to recognize someone’s distinguished contribution in various activities like art, science, and sports.
4. Irrfan had been happily married for over 20 years. He married writer Sutapa Sikdar in 1995. They have two sons together.
5. Priyanka Chopra and more stars reacted to his death. Once his death was confirmed, Priyanka took to Twitter to mourn Irrfan’s death. “The charisma you brought to everything you did was pure magic,” she tweeted. “Your talent forged the way for so many in so many avenues. You inspired so many of us. #IrrfanKhan you will truly be missed. Condolences to the family.”
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