Ethical Fashion Meets Central Park: Pamela Anderson Shines in Giulia and Romeo’s ‘Vegan’ Hoodie

In the bustling heart of New York City, amidst the autumn-kissed leaves of Central Park, international icon and animal rights advocate Pamela Anderson made more than just a style statement.

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pamela anderson
Image Credit: Michael Stewert

Clad in a striking “Vegan” hoodie from the luxury German clothing line Giulia and Romeo, Pamela Anderson turned heads not only for her celebrity presence but for the potent message she carried.

Giulia and Romeo, a brand synonymous with ethical fashion and compassion, has made its mark by allowing style to do the talking—pledging to funnel 100% of its profits to animal charities. The hoodie, a piece from their signature “Vegan” line, is more than just attire; it’s a banner for the cause that Anderson has long championed.

With its bold typography nestled amidst the elegant design, the hoodie encapsulates the philosophy that Giulia and Romeo stand for high fashion need not come at the expense of ethics. Crafted by founder Daniela Brunner, the line caters to the ethically conscious consumer who does not want to compromise on luxury. Giulia and Romeo place a strong emphasis on short supply chains and local production, valuing exceptional craftsmanship above all else. Every piece in their fashion line is meticulously handmade in Germany by skilled tailors who are an integral part of the immediate community.

pamela anderson
Pamela Anderson pictured in the “Vegan” hoodie. (Michael Stewert)

By keeping production close to home, the brand fosters a sense of community while ensuring that each garment reflects their core values of craftsmanship and attention to detail. And through transparent and ethical supply chains, Giulia & Romeo ensures that every individual involved in their production process is treated fairly and respectfully.

In their commitment to sustainability, Giulia & Romeo actively seeks out eco-friendly materials like organic jersey, ipeker, Ecopel, and innovative vegan leather alternatives. By utilizing these materials, they reduce the harmful environmental impacts associated with traditional fashion production. As Anderson promenaded through Central Park, she was the embodiment of this mission—a seamless blend of glamor and a heartfelt commitment to animal welfare and responsible fashion practices.

After coming off the buzz of her make-up-free Paris Fashion Week choice, she continues to make more statements about being authentically herself. Anderson’s public appearance in the “Vegan” hoodie is a poignant reminder that fashion should—and can—be a vehicle for change. It’s an invitation to consumers and fashionistas alike to align their sartorial choices with the well-being of the planet’s co-inhabitants.

Anderson’s philosophy resonates with the core values of Giulia and Romeo. “I’m on a mission to love, give as much as I can, and support people who make a difference” she shares. This sentiment echoes through each thread of the “Vegan” collection and is a clarion call to the industry at large. Pamela has always been a vocal supporter of animal rights. She has done several campaigns for PETA, the first of which was 26 years ago. In a billboard on Times Square, Anderson posed alongside the words: “Give Fur the Cold Shoulder.” In 2018, she revealed she had previously sent faux fur coats to Kim Kardashian and Melania Trump, who both subsequently stopped wearing real animal fur. Then in 2019, she wrote to Prada on behalf of PETA asking that the company remove fur from its collection. Not shortly after in May 2019, Prada confirmed that they would honor that request.

Anderson’s star power brings invaluable attention to the brand’s vision, serving as a beacon for the movement towards compassionate fashion. Giulia and Romeo revel in the fact that a figure like Anderson represents their ideals—wearing their ethics not just on her sleeve, but for all of Central Park and the watching world to see. “We are absolutely thrilled and honored that Pamela Anderson, a true icon of compassion and style, chooses to wear our vegan fashion brand. Her support not only brings our designs into the spotlight, but also helps us spread the message of cruelty-free fashion to a wider audience. Pamela’s dedication to animal rights and her impeccable fashion sense make her the perfect ambassador for our brand, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have her as an authentic fan of our clothing,” shares Giulia and Romeo’s founder and designer Daniela Brunner. With their dedication to crafting exquisite and cruelty-free fashion pieces, the brand continues to pave the way for a more conscious and responsible approach to style, opening their first brick and mortar store in Munich on November 11th.

The “Vegan” hoodie stands as a symbol of hope and progress in the industry, proving that luxury fashion can indeed coexist with ethical practice. Pamela Anderson’s display in Central Park is not just a moment of fashion, but a milestone for the animal rights movement, proving once more that indeed, compassion is in fashion.

For those inspired by Anderson’s ensemble and the story behind it, further details on the “Vegan” hoodie and the Giulia and Romeo brand are available at their online boutique.