“This is hella random,” Chris Brown wrote at the start of his now-deleted Instagram Story on Tuesday (Feb. 14), “but don’t fall for the fake UFO/UAP [unidentified anomalous phenomenon] false flags. Extraterrestrials have been visiting us for a long time. Some live amongst us.” Chris, 33, continued in his message, making him the next big UFO-believing music star since blink-182’s Tom DeLonge. “We are the only destructive species dooming our existence. Don’t let them run with this narrative. Just say I’m crazy but also make your own judgments,” he wrote.
“They [are] just starting acknowledging the ‘possibilities of UFOs and UAPs,” wrote Chris. “Now they shooting everything moving out of the sky????” Chris was referencing the U.S. government admitting to shooting down three unidentified flying objects in Alaska, Canada, and Michigan over the weekend (h/t XXL). Those incidents also came in the wake of the drama over a suspected Chinese spy balloon, which the U.S. also shot down. Chris ended his IG Story with a disclaimer. “HEY, this message is for uneducational purposes,” he wrote with a winking emoji.
The list of celebrities who believe they’ve witnessed UFOs includes Demi Lovato (“I basically saw this blue orb that was about 50 feet away,” she said in 2021, per Us Weekly), Post Malone, and Kurt Russell. Elon Musk also joked that Tesla would continue even when he was “kidnapped by aliens” when speaking at Tesla’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2022.
Miley Cyrus said she had an interaction with a UFO – admittedly, after smoking a potent cannabis concentrated. “I had an experience, actually I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO,” she said in 2020. “I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.”
“But the best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow. I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too,” Miley added. “There were a couple of other cars on the road and they also stopped to look, so I think what I saw was real.”
In 2021, former president Barack Obama, spoke about UFOS on an episode of The Late Late Show. “What is true… is that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are,” said Obama. “We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory… they did not have an easily explainable pattern. So I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is. But I have nothing to report to you today.”
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