North West proved fashion types run in the family, when she showed off her latest head-turning look. The nine-year-old wore a black headpiece that completely covered her face, just like her parents, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have done in the past, with an all black look in Paris, France on Oct. 1. The rest of her outfit included a black t-shirt, black and white patterned pants, and matching Crocs.
The young fashionista also had long braids in her hair as she headed into a hotel with people. She didn’t seemed bothered by cameras flashing photos of her as she confidently showed off her style, just like her mom. Kim was also apparently with her during the outing, but not in any photos.
North’s memorable headpiece comes after Kanye wore very similar ones in Malibu, CA and at least a few fashion events in the past. Two instances happened during his trip to Paris with Julia Fox for winter Fashion Week earlier this year. He also wore a headpiece at a Balenciaga event.
Kim has followed suit with headpieces of her own last year. She wore a leather zip-up one outside a New York City hotel, right before the 2021 Met Gala, and another non-zip one at the actual event. She confidently posed on the red carpet with it on and looked like a shadow as people awed at her bold look.
Kim’s fashion influence on North could also be seen in photos she posted to Instagram on Oct. 1. The mini me posed in a Dolce & Gabbana outfit that included a black blazer, baggy pants, and massive black platforms as they spent time in Milan, Italy for more fashion events. The mother and daughter were sightseeing while taking the photos and were joined by North’s younger siblings, Saint West, 6, and Chicago West, 4, both of whom have also rocked fashionable looks at past events. Her youngest sibling, Psalm West, 3, has been seen in Milan recently but didn’t seem to be out and about in Paris at that time.
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