Kaley Cuoco, 35, celebrated the end of filming her upcoming film Meet Cute with her co-star Pete Davidson, 27. Kaley posted a photo of her holding the Saturday Night Live star close on her Instagram on Friday August 27. The two actors who play a couple named Sheila and Gary in the film soaked in the evening sky, after they finished filming. Kaley raved about what a great time she had working on the romantic comedy.
The photo showed the back view of Pete cuddling up to Kaley, as she wrapped her arm around him. The actors were sitting on a ledge with a gorgeous view of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan skyline. Kaley was wearing a bright yellow checkered sundress, as Pete sported a plain blue button down. “That’s a wrap on ‘Meet Cute,'” Kaley wrote in the caption. “What an experience! Loved every single human involved with this special little gem of a of film.” The Big Bang Theory actress also said that she “would do it over and over and over again,” with a winking emoji. Maybe she’s hoping for a Meet Cute 2 in the future!
Besides the hugging photo, Kaley also shared more photos of her and her on-screen beau to her Instagram Story. The actors were on-set, filming the last scene in the movie. She also posted a photo of the two of them walking by the water’s edge together, making funny faces and throwing her arms in the air. “Sheila & Gary coming soon,” she wrote in the caption.
Kaley and Pete have been hard at work on Meet Cute all summer long, and the pair struck up a close friendship while filming. Both the comedic talents got pretty cozy as they got into character, and have been seen linking arms and cuddling up. During an off-day, Pete also brought Kaley to Six Flags amusement park. The stars looked like they had a ball during their free time. Pete dragged the actress onto some of his favorite thrill-seeking rides, while Kaley had him go on an easier-going, family-friendly attraction.
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