Cardi B, 25, is going easy on Tristan Thompson, 27, following revelations that he may have allegedly cheated on Khloe Kardashian, 33, with up to five different women. In an interview with Big Boy’s Neighborhood, Cardi revealed what advice she’d give new mom Khloe about what to do with her relationship amid all the cheating accusations.“Do what your heart feels like doing,” she said. “Do what your heart feels like is right. At the end of the day, everybody wants to act like they date deacons and pastors and their relationships are perfect.” Cardi added. “You don’t know what type of things are going on in their relationship. How old certain receipts are… people who make it seem like this happened two weeks… Let them work things out.” Watch Cardi’s defense of Tristan by jumping to the 27:30 mark in the video below!
We reported earlier how Khloe could be forced to stay in Cleveland for another month following the birth of her baby daughter, even though she may want to get the heck out of there. “Usually the pediatrician will not want a newborn to fly for at least one month,” Dr. Sherry Ross, OB/GYN and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide To Women’s Intimate Health, tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “Since she’d be traveling by private plane, the pediatrician may bend the rules assuming the baby is perfectly healthy,” Ross added. “But whenever you travel you always stand the chance of a fresh newborn being exposed to unwanted viruses that the baby has not been vaccinated for right out of the starting gate.”
While Cardi’s advice may be for Khloe to take stock of how she feels, a source close to the reality TV star says she’s devastated by the cheating bombshell. “Khloe feels used and lonely now that her sisters have left town,” our source said. “Even though Kris is still by her side, she feels abandoned by Tristan. She feels like he chose other women over her and their baby. She can’t believe the most special day in her life is happening like this.”
We’ll keep you posted if Khloe has a statement on Tristan’s cheating.