‘Below Deck’s Bugsy Reveals Her True Feelings About Adam: ‘He’s Afraid To Get Hurt’

‘Below Deck’s ‘Bugsy’ EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife.com what really happens on board the charter, including her ‘confusing’ relationship with Adam! And, about that topless scene… she ‘couldn’t’ look away!

Uncensored, unplugged and completely candid — It’s Christine Drake, aka, “Bugsy” like you’ve never heard her before! The South African native and 2nd Stewardess on Below Deck Mediterranean, EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife.com secrets from the charter, and why this season is like a Willy Wonka Everlasting Gob-Stopper! LOL. See what she had to say about her fellow crew members, hookups, spats and more! And, you can watch a sneak peak from tonight’s episode, right here!

What’s the deal with Adam [Glick]? He seems like he doesn’t know what he wants. How do you feel about him? Adam is a great guy and he is a great Chef! Sometimes people let their emotions get the better of them and causes them to act out. We never know what a person may be dealing with, so I like to try my best to reserve judgement. However, I do NOT agree with disregarding guest preferences or lashing out at people for no reason! Regarding love, I think he’s a bit confused and cautious, as he’s nervous to get hurt.

The naked news — What was going through your head when you had to see the topless girl [on last week’s episode]? — Uh.. I shouldn’t look but damn…  those things are huge… ‘Bugs look away’… ‘Bugs why are you still staring,’ [haha]. It just couldn’t be helped.

Lauren: It’s almost like you’re her unspoken therapist [or, she thinks you are]. What do you have to say about her?  Lauren’s a good girl who is always pleasant to have around. I do believe she means well, however, her need to please everyone causes her to fall short at times… it’s a tough job trying to keep everyone happy all the time — Kudos to her for trying!

Hannah seemed to get annoyed with you when you suggested that someone should accompany Lauren to the waterfalls. What’s your relationship with her like? — In this particular situation, it was purely a professional observation and suggestion to send someone to the waterfalls to help and accompany Lauren; By no means was I trying to tell Hannah what to do — that’s not my style. Hannah and I have completely different management styles. I completely believe in team work and strive to eliminate the need to highlight and promote “rank.” I feel that a lot of the times, rank can indirectly make people feel less important in the team, which is never a good thing when you are trying to achieve and strive for greatness! It’s there for a reason, and I like to see that reason being a structure set in place for level of responsibility and not a level of worth. When you are in a management position you should feel secure and capable enough in your position and skill set to not have to remind people of your position. Each and every person brings value to the team!

Are we the only ones who think you should be the Chief Stew? — [Haha] Thank you! Hannah is obviously Chief Stew for a reason and I respect that. I am a person who will always give credit, where credit is due. I am 2nd Stewardess on Mega Yacht Sirroco and I know my place. I am all about women empowering other women and being happy for one another! B–chiness and trying to bring others down is not something I care for.

What do you want viewers to take away from you and your role on the show?  Never apologize for who YOU are! Be you, DO you, love life and have fun! I was raised on the belief that you should always embrace your individuality and uniqueness! I believe in hard work, always being humble and above all, being kind to others! I am all about working  my butt off and kicking a– doing so!

How would you describe this season? — Wow! This season reminds me of one of Willy Wonka‘s Everlasting Gob Stoppers, which changes color once a week; but instead, changes color every couple of hours! [Haha] I’m not even sure if that makes sense but this season is just SO full of people being human! It’s really the good, the bad and the real ugly! It’s full of goodness, full of mischief, full of love, drama, shenanigans you name it — it’s all wrapped up in this amazing season! And to top it off it’s set in the spectacularly magical Croatia!

Between all of the hookups, who do you think should get together/stay away from each other?  Hmmmm that is a really tough call to make… I’m holding back on offering any sorts of opinions after what happened with Wes! Haha damn I felt bad! What will be will be!

HollywoodLifers, will you be tuning into tonight’s episode of Below Deck Mediterranean?

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