Allison Holker & tWitch Gush Over Their Love Of Dance: Why It’s So ‘Special’ To Them

Allison Holker and Stephen 'tWitch' Boss are the cutest! chatted EXCLUSIVELY with the couple about tWitch's new partnership, their adorable family, and why dancing will remain such an important aspect of their relationship!

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Stephen Twitch Boss Allison Holker
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Image Credit: Courtesy of Michael Simon

Itā€™s time to discover your boldest self. Stephen ā€œtWitchā€ Boss, 34, has teamed up with Listerine for the brandā€™s new Unlock Your Bold campaign. was at the Listerine event on May 9 and got the chance to talk EXCLUSIVELY with tWitch and his wife Allison Holker, 29. The adorable couple revealed that taking small moments for themselves has helped them as individuals and as a family. Check out our interview with them below!

Your partnership with Listerine is all about taking the time for those small moments to refocus and recharge. Are you focusing more on that as individuals, and are you bringing those small moments over to your marriage?
Stephen ā€œtWitchā€ Boss: I feel like itā€™s a little bit of both, because we have to have those moments where we connect with each other, but itā€™s also essential for moments we have individually as well. As much as we are parents and husband and wife, weā€™re also still individuals and kind of have to take that mind space and just that personal space to just kind of be with yourself for just a second. I forget who said it out there, but thereā€™s a lot of roles you have to play. I think it was Sophia [Bush]. She said, like, especially for women, itā€™s so easy to put it on yourself to care for everybody else as opposed to yourself. Itā€™s that same notion of, yes, we do take time together, but we are also really good about taking time for ourselves, too, because thatā€™s very, very necessary.

Allison Holker: I really am a person that tries to take care of everyone before I take care of myself, so itā€™s actually a new thing in my life that Iā€™m really trying to take time for myself. Iā€™m finding that itā€™s helping so much to be a better person individually, but also a better wife and mother. I now step away to go take a yoga class by myself or go to the beach, read my books. Oh my goodness, I love reading so much, but as a mother itā€™s hard to find time for that. So Iā€™m kind of trying to reel that back in to my pattern. We find that if we really schedule our lives and schedule out like an hour a day for personal time, being with my husband, being with my kids individually, finding those times and scheduling that out is really important, and itā€™s really helped with clarity of mind.

Is this something youā€™re trying to teach your daughter? To take time for herself, too?
Allison Holker: Yes, I think itā€™s really important at a young age to start teaching them about creating good habits. I know a lot of people are like, ā€œOh, theyā€™re just kids.ā€ If you create these amazing eating and physically active habits and meditation as a habit at a young age, it becomes easier for them at an older age. It becomes second nature to them. Itā€™s not something new when theyā€™re like 30 or 40 and trying to figure it out. Itā€™s like theyā€™ve done it their whole lives and see the importance from a very young age. I find that my daughter eats so well, and sheā€™s very, very physically active, but then sheā€™s also very patient and aware of her surroundings. I give a lot of credit to the fact that she follows our example of taking time, being an individual, being strong in her own two shoes. Sheā€™s very intuitive to the people around her and what her life is.

My roommate danced at Tisch. For her, dancing is a release. Is it the same for you guys?
Stephen ā€œtWitchā€ Boss: Absolutely. Dancing is still, for me, one of those things that no matter when I do it and it sounds corny and cliche, but time stands still. I could literally dance for hours and hours on end and not realize that Iā€™ve been dancing for hours and hours on end. In the right setting, I could literally dance all day and have a blast. It seems like one moment to me. Thereā€™s nothing else going on, and itā€™s the ultimate release.

Allison Holker: I know it might sound cliche, like what you [tWitch] said, but dance to me is my home. I say dance is my home, because in a home, you want love, creativity, respect, all these things, and to me thatā€™s everything that encompasses dance. So I feel at my best when Iā€™m dancing. It helps me to be strong and to release so many of my emotions and be in tune with myself. I connect a lot with people. I find being a dancer that some of our strongest moments together are when weā€™re dancing together. As a pro on Dancing With the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance, I found some of my strongest relationships, because dance is a way of connecting and finding a moment with someone. It really is something special and unique that you donā€™t find in any other physical activity, you know? Because itā€™s you with another person, and you guys dive in together with these characters. So dance, to me, has been really special to create amazing bonds with people.

When you were dancing out there, I was just amazed. You guys had such a connection. From across the room, you two were electric. I love a good dance performance soā€¦
Allison Holker: Can I just sayā€¦ We talk about this story I feel like a lot, but we never went on a first date. Never had a conversation longer than ā€œhelloā€ and ā€œhow are you?ā€ We shared a dance together and have been together ever since.

Stephen ā€œtWitchā€ Boss: Yep. Itā€™s true. Absolutely.

Allison Holker: Dance is really special to us and our family. We dance when weā€™re cooking in the kitchenā€¦

Stephen ā€œtWitchā€ Boss: Yeah, music is playing constantly. Dance was our connecting factor. It really was. We were on a show together, and it was from the first dance that it happened.

Is the little one going to grow up to be a dancer you think?
tWitch: Weā€™ll see!

Allison Holker:  Heā€™s really moved by music. He doesnā€™t, you know, get down on the dance floor at all yet, but he is very in tune with music. If a song comes on, he is listening to it and looking for the speaker and where the amazement is coming from. Heā€™s very, very triggered and moved by music. I think thatā€™s something that we know really centers him and relaxes him.

tWitch, you were on Famous In Love this season, would you consider coming back for season 2?
tWitch: Um, yeah! Absolutely. I had a blast. It was a lot of fun.

Allison, would you ever return to DWTS & SYTYCD?
Allison: Oh yeah! Iā€™ll definitely be going back to those shows. I had a little bit of a crossover with some scheduling things for this summer, so I do have a couple of things coming up that are very, very exciting. I canā€™t say what they are right now, but I start filming this next week, and Iā€™m very excited about this new journey and this new project Iā€™m working on. Itā€™s very, very exciting. Iā€™m nervous but excited. I love to challenge myself and try new things and push myself in new directions. Sometimes itā€™s the most nerve-wracking thing because you donā€™t really know what youā€™re doing because youā€™re new to it. But then you always learn the most those ways. I love trying new things, and so Iā€™m going to be doing a new show, and itā€™s going to be an exciting new journey for us all.

The ā€œBe Boldā€ guided meditation series is now available on the Inscape app. For more information on the Unlock Your Bold campaign or the ā€œBe Boldā€ collection please visit

HollywoodLifers, are tWitch and Allison your favorite celeb dancers? Let us know!