A ton of Charlie’s sexual partners are reportedly gearing up to sue him for allegedly exposing them to HIV, according to TMZ, but Bree won’t be one of them — even if she wants to be. Bree talked to Howard Stern on Nov. 17, shortly after Charlie confessed that he is HIV positive on the Today Show, and explained that the actor “never said anything” about his disease, despite the fact that they slept “together every single night” while dating. But based on what she heard Charlie say — that he was infected during the time of “tiger blood” (which is when they dated) — Bree feels betrayed, so she may end up wanting to sue the actor. However, he’s calling her a liar.
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“Bree was lying when she told Howard Stern she was living with Sheen around the time he was first diagnosed, and he’d kept her in the dark about it,” a source told TMZ. Charlie “didn’t know he’d contracted the virus until after he got back from his 20-city tour, which ended on May 3, 2011. Olson famously broke up with Charlie nearly two weeks prior to that date via text message.”
Charlie probably should have told her as soon as he found out he was diagnosed, even though they were no longer dating, but the important part is that he wasn’t sleeping with her while knowingly infected with HIV.
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Does Bree Olson have a right to be mad at Charlie? Or is she just a liar? Tell us how you feel and then buy Two and a Half Men on DVD and binge-watch the entire series!
— Chris Rogers
Follow @ChrisRogers86