‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Review: Movie-Goers Share Their Shocking Reactions

The highly-anticipated ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ film hit theaters on Feb. 12, and we were one of the first in line to catch the sex-filled flick! While we think the movie is totally worth your while, fellow movie-goers had mixed reactions. See what they said!

Fifty Shades Of Grey was everything that you might imagine it to be: a little twisted and very steamy. While the audience screamed and clapped in applause upon seeing the movie’s title flash across the screen, not everyone had the same enthusiasm during the closing credits.

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Review: Audience Reacts To Steamy On-Screen Sex

Whether or not you read the book, we feel that the first Fifty Shades Of Grey movie is totally worth your while. It’s both sexy and funny.

Though the film is not a comedy, there was plenty of laughter to go around. For example, the audience couldn’t help but chuckle when Anastasia Steel showed off her noticeably hairy legs while losing her virginity to Christian. Maybe Christian digs that sort of thing?

However, when things really started to steam up, there were nothing but “oohhs,” “aahhs,” and a couple of “hot damns!” Yes, prepare yourself for lots and LOTS of nudity.

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ — Fans React

We caught up with fans after the movie, and though one girl proudly stated that she thought it was “terrible” and there should have been someone other than Dakotah Johnson playing the role of Anastasia, she and her boyfriend thought that it was much better than the poor reviews that are out there.

Fans that read the book multiple times felt that it actually did the book justice. A group of young women, who all read the book, thought it was “really good” and are “pissed off that we have to wait like a year to see the next one!”

One surprising male feminist, who did not read the book, was extremely upset that Christian Grey wouldn’t change his dominating ways for the sake of his relationship with Anastasia.

A common theme among critics was that they were disappointed the dominating love scenes and the chemistry between the couple weren’t more intense. But one self-proclaimed “Fifty Shades expert” said, “I thought it was going to be more intense, but I think it was very tastefully done. I feel like a lot of people felt like it would be more pornographic, but I like how they produced it.”

There are two things that all the haters and fans have in common: everyone agrees that the soundtrack is awesome! From Beyonce to The Weeknd, you’re sure to catch yourself bobbing your head to the sexy tunes. Secondly, the ending is infuriating! The entire audience literally screamed at the cliffhanger ending, but hey, they had to leave us wanting more, right?!

Final thoughts: the movie is steamy, yet tasteful, slightly uncomfortable, yet very engaging, and just plain cute. Is it the movie of the year? That’s debatable. But sure, it’s worth your money. Go check it out to form your own opinion and let us know what you think right here!

— Kindra Bailey

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