Breaking News! Team Taylor Triumphs! R-Patz Goes Down!

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(Left) Peggy Sirota/GQ.

Ladies — you spoke, did the vote and the results are in!: Team Jacob, aka Team Taylor Lautner, triumphs over Team Edward, aka Team Robert Pattinson, in our poll. For a few days, Robert had the lead, then Taylor pulled neck and neck and now it’s happened — Taylor , you’ve trounced your New Moon hunk competition! You’ve now commandeered 52% of  the vote- CONGRATULATIONS!! And you know what, Taylor — you deserve the win. First of all — you worked your tail off, quite literally, to play werewolf Jacob. “He was a skinny dude just like Robert Pattinson, but he packed on 30 lbs of muscle for this role, ” points out David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health — Taylor’s the cover boy on the mag’s current issue. Taylor, you worked out for hours, almost twice a day, clocking so much time in the gym, you confessed that you had to “be eating a minimum of 4000 calories a day!” That’s a LOT of working out.

But it’s not just your hottie body that’s made you so damn appealing. Can we talk about your attitude, Taylor, or should we say, your lack of attitude? Saying stuff like this to “I’m having the time of my life. It couldn’t be a better end to my teenage years. I’m doing what I love and I’m spending time with the people I love . So it’s great. I’m definitely never, ever going to forget this” —  that wins the hearts of us women folks. You’re not one of those stars whose too good for his fans.  Here’s what else you told “We have fans all the time that just burst into tears. it’s just moving. It must mean so much to them to meet us. It’s just an amazing feeling that you can touch someone in that way.”

Then there’s the fact that you’re dating America’s new sweetheart — Taylor Swift. Together, you two are the new Brangelina.  “Taylor just seems more accessible to his fans, than Robert and he’s dating a girl — Taylor — who also seems like she could be your best friend,” says Jo Piazza, a Lautner watcher and writer for AOL’s Popeater. “He and his character — Jacob — just feel far more attainable to girls, than the ethereal Edward/ Robert. He seems like someone you could be friends with.” And like I said — a little bit of friendliness goes a long way towards making a hunkie guy star the prince of popularity. Says Piazza, “The fact that he’s as pumped  up about New Moon as his fans” just gets us voting for Team Jacob. Yay!