Maksim Chmerkovskiy‘s latest video update from Ukraine revealed that he’d been arrested during the attacks from Russia. The 42-year-old choreographer didn’t divulge many details about his arrest, but he did say that it was a serious wake up call for him amid the panic, during the Monday February 28 update. He also gave updates on some of his friends and his own plans to leave the country.
While Maks said that he was “all good” now after his arrest, it was undoubtedly a scary experience to have amid the country’s battles with Russia. “A lot of fighting everywhere. Streets are crazy. At one point, I got arrested,” he said in the video. “That was probably the least traumatizing moment in this whole thing for as far as Ukraine is concerned, but for me, it was just a reality check. No matter what it is and how it is, it was a crazy reality check.” The DWTS star also explained that he wasn’t really prepared to speak about the experience more. “There’s a lot to unpack, and like I said, I’m not in a mental state right now to do so. I’m just trying to stay focused,” he said.
After saying that he’d been arrested, Maks told fans that he was mapping out how to get out of Ukraine. “I’m going try to start getting towards the border. I have options. My options are better than most people’s unfortunately. I’m just a little nervous, to be honest with you, but I think it’s going to be alright. Well, I know it’s going to be okay,” he said, before warning that there may be radio silence from him for some time as he made his escape, saying he mostly kept in touch with his brother, parents and wife Peta Murgatroyd. “Just don’t panic if I kinda disappear for a minute,” he said. “If you follow this to see how I’m doing, if I disappear for a little bit, just please, don’t worry. I’m going to do my best to make sure that I keep you updated.”
Earlier in the video, Maks also gave updates on friends of his that he’d spoken about in his past clips. He said that he had friends that were still en-route to get out of Ukraine and into Poland. While he said, it was scary, he was also in awe of the number of volunteers and people that are helping Ukrainians escape, as well as those who have stood up to defend their country. He also finished the clip by calling out anyone who treats those fleeing unfairly at the borders. “It is inhumane, and it is wrong. People are running from conflict, from the war. Treat everybody the same,” he said before signing off.
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