Beyonce returned to Instagram in a stunning gown. The 40-year-old gave the camera a smoldering look as she posed in a plunging emerald green silk gown with a halter-style black top in new photos shared to the social media platform on Wednesday, Oct. 13. As always, no caption was necessary on the posts as she showed off her stylish look and gave the camera smoldering look.
The sexy gown, which was reminiscent of the same green fabric Kylie Jenner‘s Ralph & Russo dress from the KarJenner Christmas party, also included an ultra-high slit. The “Single Ladies” singer paired the glam look with a stunning diamond and emerald bib-shaped necklace around her neck. Her glam was on point too, with her blonde-hued hair down in a loose mermaid curl, along with a bold red lip.
In the first image, the Houston, Texas native perched on a circular wood table decorated with pink flower in a foyer area of a home. She stood against a green curtain in the next, revealing her gold sandals, swapping the metallic shoes out for a black pair in the following image that also showed off her burgundy pedicure. In the last close up one, she ran her right hand through her hair as she tilted her head to the side.
The post, which already garnered over 600,000 likes from her 213 million followers in just 30 minutes, also got plenty of comments. “This look is unreal,” one posted, while another added, “u are the most beautiful ever.” Several also wrote “Project Rose,” referencing Britney Spears‘ recent post where she revealed her unidentified project was “inspired” by Queen Bey.
“I feel like we are all girls wanting to have someone to look up to who will inspire us … yet it’s very hard because there will always be somebody prettier … smarter … and skinner,” Britney penned on Oct. 11, also shouting out Sex and the City’s Carrie Bradshaw, played by Sarah Jessica Parker. “But if you look at life like Carrie’s clothes, you will see perfect is boring !!!! I want to be different like Carrie…Psssss Beyoncé and Carrie both inspired Project Rose,” she then revealed.
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