Donald Trump Mocked For Retweeting Randy Quaid’s Message About ‘Rigged’ Election

Donald Trump officially entered the ‘retweeting Randy Quaid’ era of his presidency, and was mercilessly roasted for it by voters.

Over the course of four hours on November 24, Donald Trump retweeted and responded to five tweets from actor Randy Quaid about alleged voter fraud in the 2020 election. Nearly all of the tweets from Quaid, a known conspiracy theorist, were flagged by Twitter as false. Trump was immediately mocked on Twitter by baffled voters who clearly didn’t predict this clear match made in heaven.

“I just don’t see Americans rolling over for this election fraud. Do you?” Quaid tweeted, following it up with, “Never underestimate The greatest President this country has ever had. Trump is an astonishing man of the people, fighting for all of us, not Big Pharma! #AmericaFirst #KAG #TrumpPence2020 #StopTheSteaI2020”. The president ate it up, responding, “Thank you Randy, working hard to clean up the stench of the 2020 Election Hoax!” The tweet was flagged by Twitter as false.

The retweeting spree continued, with Trump urging Republicans to “listen” to this troubling message from the Independence Day star: “We’ve lost confidence in the system that elects our leaders. 79 million Americans believe election was rigged, the results fraudulent. We need an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred. No accuracy, no democracy!”

President Donald Trump, Randy Quaid (AP Images)

Trump ended by reposting a truly bizarre video from Quaid in which he bashes Fox News with a wild rant, urging people to watch conservative outlets OAN and Newsmax instead. Warning: this video contains intense strobing. Voters mocked Trump for this renewed attempt at finding someone, anyone, who agrees with him that alleged voter fraud cost him the 2020 presidential election. “Did anyone have Donald retweeting Randy Quaid’s do-over vote idea on their 2020 Election Bingo card?” Star Wars legend Mark Hamill tweeted.


Trump’s tweet spree comes just hours after General Services Administration head Emily Murphy (a Trump appointee) approved Joe Biden‘s transition into office after weeks of roadblocks. Thirty lawsuits the Trump campaign lobbed in the wake of the November 3 election have been thrown out, with Biden officially winning states the president claimed were rampant with voter fraud, like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Trump still refuses to concede nearly one month later.

“Despite all the drama, the Trump presidency ultimately ended exactly the way everyone predicted years ago: with the president retweeting Randy Quaid to ask for an election do-over,” author James Poniewozik tweeted. “I’m gonna be laughing at this Randy Quaid s**t all day. It’s like trump found a human version of putting an L on your forehead,” wrote Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko.

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