Utah Deputy Desperately Punches Through Frozen Pond To Save Boy, 8, From Drowning On Christmas

A deputy heroically saved an 8-year-old boy from drowning after he fell into a frozen pond on Christmas Day. Get the details.

This is amazing. A Washington County sheriff’s deputy made a Christmas miracle come to life when he quickly saved an 8-year-old boy from a frozen pond in Southern Utah. The sergeant punched through the ice to rescue the boy after he fell in the pond while running over the thin ice to chase the family dog. The authorities were called after another boy, who saw the incident happen, failed to be able to help pull the distressed boy out, according to Fox 13. The deputy, who was identified as Aaron Thompson in a statement from Lt. Dave Course to the St. George Newsarrived at the scene and began beating the ice with his bare hands while waiting for back up.

Thompson’s choice to take action before the back up arrived was a brave but necessary one. “Sergeant Thompson made the personal decision to attempt rescuing the victim without the aid of specialized equipment,” Crouse said in the statement. “Thompson stripped his police gear and immediately entered the water to locate the child.” The boy was scarily 25 feet away from the shore but luckily Thompson was able to still see him. “Thompson was able to locate the victim under the ice and bring him back to shore,”  Crouse continued. The boy and Thompson were both taken to the hospital after the rescue.

Although details about the boy’s hospital visit have not been released, Thompson was able to be discharged after treatment for hypothermia, cuts and bruises. What a wonderful ending to an unfortunate situation. We’re so glad the boy and Thompson escaped the terrible danger!

HollywoodLifers, what are your thoughts on the heroic act by the deputy? Tell us in the comments below.

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