How Many Does She Have?

It goes without question that Meryl Streep is one of the most decorated actresses of our time. But how many Oscars does she actually have on her mantle?

Meryl holds the record for the most Academy Award nominations of any actor! She’s been nominated 21 times: 17 for Best Actress, and 4 for Best Supporting Actress.

She won her first Oscar in 1980 for Best Supporting Actress in the film, Kramer Vs Kramer.

Three years later, she snagged another Academy Award, this time for Best Actress for her unforgettable role in Sophie’s Choice.

It would be 3 more decades before Meryl won again, despite being nominated for Memorable roles in movies like Out of Africa, Adaptation, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Her last Oscar win to date was in 2012 for her role as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady.