Debatable Christmas Movies: Are They Truly Holiday Classics?

Christmas Movies


Are They Truly Holiday Classics?

 Is it a Christmas movie or not? Everyone has their own critieria a film needs to pass I order to be considered a holiday classic, and these films have been argued on for quite some time!

Is it a Christmas movie or not? Everyone has their own criteria a film needs to pass I order to be considered a holiday classic, and these films have been argued on for quite some time!

Die Hard: Some people will die on the hill that it’s a Christmas movie, while others argue it’s just set at Christmas!

Some people will die on the hill that it’s a Christmas movie, while others argue it’s just set at Christmas!

Die Hard

The Nightmare Before Christmas: BEFORE Christmas, it’s right in the title. So is this a holiday staple or more of a Halloween treat?

BEFORE Christmas, it’s right in the title. So is this a holiday staple or more of a Halloween treat?

The Nightmare  Before Christmas

There’s a good 15 minutes of the film set at Christmas, and it will definitely get you in the mood, but is it meant to be only watched once a year?

Harry Potter &  The Sorcerer’s Stone

If you like nightmares with your cocoa, this horror flick is set at the holiday season,  so we think it counts!


Again, it’s set at Christmas time and while the story isn’t entirely focused on that point, there’s enough holiday action going on to make it count – maybe?

Batman Returns

NOTHING about this is set at Christmas or mentions Christmas or deals with Christmas. But it’s so snowy and pretty, why not watch it at Christmas time!


Check Out This List Of The Definite Best Christmas Movies Of All Time:

Photos Courtesy Everett Collection and Envato Elements.