Billy Crystal sent When Harry Met Sally fans into a frenzy on his 75th birthday by recreating an iconic moment from the film. The legendary actor shared a photo on Twitter of himself wearing a white sweater, blue jeans, and white sneakers, next to the visual of him wearing that same outfit in the 1989 rom-com. Billy, who starred in the film with Meg Ryan, 61, wrote, “Thank you all…” in his caption. Billy could not have thought of a better way to thank his fans for the birthday wishes than throwing it back to one of his greatest films of all time!
Thank you all..
— Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) March 14, 2023
When Harry Met Sally is still a classic, and just last year it was one of 25 films that were inducted into the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress. Billy and Meg reunited 4 years ago at the 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival, where Billy talked about how he knew the Rob Reiner film was going to be a hit. Billy mentioned how the scene where his character, Harry, fakes an orgasm in a restaurant contributed to the film’s success.
“(It was) the first time people saw it and it was the first time the orgasm scene — I have to call it that — played, and the laughs were insanely great,” Billy said to Entertainment Tonight. “When that scene ended, we realized he and I were holding hands because it was so intense in the theater, the laughs were so amazing, that we knew that there was something special.”
In that same ET interview, Billy also addressed the possibility of a When Harry Met Sally reboot or remake, which doesn’t seem to be likely to happen. “We talked about that for years and years and years,” he shared. “And for those of us who believe in happily ever after, that’s where they are and that’s where they should be.”
When Harry Met Sally is about two unlikely friends who keep running into each other across 12 years. There’s major chemistry between them but they have to decide if they want to be more than friends. Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby, Steven Ford, and Lisa Jane Persky also star in the film.
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