‘RHONJ’: Teresa’s Dad Slams Joe & Says He Can Only ‘Blame Himself’ For Getting Deported

Joe Giudice tells Teresa he’s struggling in ICE, during the Nov. 20 episode of ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’, but she and her dad say that it’s Joe’s own fault he’s getting deported.

Teresa Giudice got a call from her husband, Joe, during the Nov. 20 episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. He was recently transferred to ICE, after getting released from a 41-month sentence in prison, so he wasn’t in the best of moods when they talked this week. Teresa’s dad was also in the room when she talked to Joe, so he joking invited Joe to come eat with them. “I would love to,” Joe said before Teresa asked if he completed the paperwork for visitors since their daughter wanted to go see him. “I don’t know how it works over here,” he explained. “This isn’t a normal prison, alright? Nobody knows anything in here.”

After sensing some defeat in his voice, Teresa asked Joe, “Are you okay?” He replied, “Am I okay? I mean, what am I doing? ‘I’m okay?’ I’m going on 38 months in this crap. They want to separate us now, we’re married 20 years. We got 4 kids. Alright, they want to destroy 4 kids. I’m here now, and I’m getting deported, and that’s all there is to it. I mean it’s over.”

Teresa tried giving Joe some hope by saying, “You don’t know if that’s going to happen,” but he continued, “I don’t know, but I don’t see anybody in here walking out. They’re all getting deported … I’m over it. I’d rather be out and see you when I can than be sitting in this freaking junk hole. At this point, I don’t care where the hell I go. I’m going to fight it out a little while longer, and then I’m done — that’s it.”

In a private confessional, Teresa said Joe’s phone calls have become more and more “draining”. She added, “We don’t want him to suffer, but he put us all through this, so he needs to sit there now, as long as it takes, and fight. Especially for his daughters.”

After getting off the phone with Joe, Teresa said, “I can’t take all this drama,” and her dad tried calming her down. He said, “I [want to] slap your husband. He never did nothing right. He did everything wrong. Six times I told him go make [himself] a citizen. [He said], ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll go.’ He never did. He [can only] blame himself.”

Want more drama? New episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey air Wednesdays at 8pm on Bravo.

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