‘Harry Potter & The Cursed Child’: See How New Harry & Ginny Compare To The Originals

Are you ready for all the feels? The first cast photos of the new Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley from ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ have been released, along with their cutiepie son Albus! So how do the elder Harry and Ginny compare to the youngins’ from the movies?

While we saw what the older Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter looked like at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow — Part 2, they weren’t quite as distinguished as their Harry Potter and the Cursed Child counterparts. The highly-anticipated play from JK Rowling pictures Harry and Ginny’s lives as adults, raising their children, including Albus Severus! Did the casting department get these characters right? Click through to compare to your faves from the Harry Potter movies!

Another upside to this whole being a wizard or a witch thing is the fact that everyone ages very well. It’s 19 years later, and Harry (Jamie Parker) and Ginny (Poppy Miller), look pretty damn good! The last time we saw the couple, actors Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright were only 21 and 20, respectively. Well, if you ignore the time-jump where they send Albus off to Hogwarts for the first time, and they’re wearing awful age-progressive makeup (which we definitely are).

Looking at Jamie and Poppy’s version of Harry and Ginny is almost comforting; it’s a little bit of closure for Harry Potter fans, who get to see their favorite characters happy and healthy nearly 20 years later. The casting is pretty spot on! We have to say that Jamie is pretty handsome as a tired, frazzled and overworked Harry, whose scar is still prominent as ever. Ginny would cringe if she heard this, but she’s the spitting image of her mother Molly — minus the kooky wardrobe; Ginny looks is on-trend with that suede skirt!

We’ve got to talk about Albus (Samuel Clemmett), too! Is it us, or is Harry and Ginny’s newly-sorted son the spitting image of Harry Styles? Their family photo is adorable, if not a bit solemn. We know why, though; the play focuses on Albus having to deal with the pressure of living up to his father’s legacy, especially now that he’s enrolled at Hogwarts. Sounds rough.

HollywoodLifers, do you want to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? Tell us in the comments!

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