‘Teen Wolf’ Recap: Malia & The Desert Wolf Come Face-To-Face In Showdown

The Beast continued to run around Beacon Hills, and everyone tried to think up a game plan to take it down on the Jan. 26 episode of ‘Teen Wolf.’ Plus, Malia and the Desert Wolf finally confronted each other, and it wasn’t exactly a nice family reunion.

Malia (Shelley Hennig) didn’t know what she was getting into when she teamed up with Theo (Cody Christian) to find the Desert Wolf. On the Jan. 26 episode of Teen Wolf, Gerard explained a little more about the Beast, Stiles visited Lydia in Eichen House, Malia rescued Deaton, and the pack came up with their next step!

Argent and Gerard went hunting for the Beast, and they had the big guns. Sorry, but you’re going to need something bigger than that to defeat the Beast. Apparently, the only weapon that had been capable of taking down the monster was a spear at the hands of a young woman, who will be played by Crystal Reed!

The Dread Doctors showed up, but Gerard put them in their place for a moment. Meanwhile, Argent found scores of dead bodies hidden in the tunnels, just a few of the Beast’s victims. It was disgusting.

Parrish watched as the bodies — 23 of them — were wheeled into the morgue. He was really starting to think his dream/nightmare was beginning to come true. Papa Stilinski tried to distract him, but even he was starting to see the impending doom.

Over at Eichen House, Ghost Meredith was still helping Lydia find her banshee voice. Lydia wasn’t having the easiest time of it, and Meredith urged her to “make your voice a bullet.” In the midst of her “training,” she had a banshee premonition — that Malia was going to die!

Secret In Their Eyes

Malia needed Theo’s help to find the Desert Wolf, and he didn’t make it easy for her. He made her take a needle of wolfsbane to the neck so he could take her to the Dread Doctors’ lair. Before the needle to the neck, there was some major eye-flirting going on. He grabbed her face and held back for a minute before Malia taunted him. These two need to get a room already.

Malia woke up and found herself tied up. Theo’s help was a little on the painful side. Malia had to remember a memory of the Desert Wolf using this INSANE eye device. She started bleeding and begged Theo to help. Thankfully, she got something from this crazy experience. She saw Deaton and the Desert Wolf and realized they’re in Beacon Hills.

She went to Liam with the news and told him to tell Scott he was right about the tunnels. This put Liam in a precarious position, since he and Scott weren’t exactly in a good place. Malia couldn’t tell Scott because she had sh*t to get done. Malia, Braeden and Theo teamed up to go find the Desert Wolf. The Desert Wolf wasn’t as strong as she used to be, but she was still a force to be reckoned with.

Stydia Lives

Stiles headed to Eichen House to visit Lydia, and it was single-handedly the sweetest scene ever. He held her hand and told her she needed to wake up to explain some crazy math to him. Be still my heart. He begged her to come back from this. They couldn’t defeat the Beast without her. Stydia fans, this was such a great moment. Unfortunately, Mrs. Martin (a.k.a. Worst Mom of the Year) interrupted this magical scene and told Stiles to GTFO. On the way out, Stiles stole one a worker’s ID card. Operation Save Lydia had begun.

Liam went searching for clues in the tunnels and was still avoiding Scott. His alpha followed him there, and they had a heart-to-heart. The reason Liam hadn’t said he was sorry to Scott was because he felt that wasn’t enough. He needed to save Scott’s life to truly make up for what he had done. Liam thought his search was a failure, but the snake sculpture he noted led to the Dread Doctors’ lair! When Scott and Liam opened it up, there was Argent and Gerard! They came upon the picture of the Beast and Hellhound fighting and revealed the rest of the photo, which basically confirmed Parrish’s dream.

Mommie Dearest

Malia, Theo and Braeden found Deaton, but Theo decided to be a tool again. He took down Braeden and shot Malia, leaving her to fight the Desert Wolf alone. In return, Theo got a set of shiny blue claws. The Desert Wolf explained everything to Malia before attempting to kill her own daughter.

Turns out, Malia was the one who had stolen most of the Desert Wolf’s power. She was just about to kill Malia, when Deaton noted that she could only get her powers back on a full moon. The Beast started tearing through a wall and inched closer to Deaton. Right at this exact time, Lydia found her voice and screamed like she never had before. This helped Malia save Deaton before he became the Beast’s dinner.

Lydia became a complete ninja, just like we had seen in the season 5 premiere. She couldn’t quite escape from Eichen House, but help was on the way. The pack was back together, and Deaton was finally back where he belonged. The pack’s next plan of attack was to save Lydia!

Elsewhere in Beacon Hills

1. Kira’s dad took away her sword. She usually depended on that sword to help save her friends, but her dad told her she needed to use her mind as a weapon. He said you can “out fox the fox.” Okay…

2. Theo mentioned that the Dread Doctors had wanted to kill everyone, but he said it could just be Scott. So Theo kind of saved everyone.

3. Argent and Gerard confronted Parrish about being a Hellhound. Gerard literally took a flame to Parrish’s eye to make sure he was really flame resistant. Yikes.

4. Theo’s chimeras brought back Deucalion. Theo’s main goal was to steal the Beast’s power, and he needed Deucalion’s help. Deucalion wanted to get paid, but he didn’t want just anything. He wanted Scott’s eyes!

HollywoodLifers, what did you think of tonight’s Teen Wolf? Let us know!

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