Lucy Hale, AKA Aria, is known for her bohemian-meets-urban chic style on ABC’s Pretty Little Liars. During the latest episode, the brunette beauty added some effortless edge to her ensemble by pairing a black and white graphic coat with mint earrings. Learn how to pull off this look just like the PLL character herself!
Lucy looked amazing on the March 3 episode of PLL! The 25-year-old actress spiked up her life with the help of My Jewel Candy’s “Sugar & Spiked” Earrings.
Although the mint color of her earrings are feminine and flirty, we love the unexpected addition of spikes. The pretty punk princess vibe of these earrings are completely suitable for Lucy’s character and her distinct sense of style.
If the Easter-inspired mint is too colorful for your liking, than be sure to check out the “Sugar & Spiked” earring in cream and licorice.
However, if you want to go green just like Lucy, than we also are obsessed with BaubleBar’s Spectrum Spike Studs. For less than $20 dollars, you can embrace the sparkly spike trend without breaking the bank.
Specifically, the ombré accents and hematite spike will be sure to make anyone who spots your studs feel green with envy.
Take a note from Lucy and pair either of these edgy earrings with a streamlined silhouette such as the star’s A-line coat.
If you want to really let your earrings shine than be sure to keep the rest of your accessories to a minimum. And of course, like a true Pretty Little Liar, with your new fierce fashion statement it’s important to keep your ears and eyes wide open.
HollywoodLifers, what do you think of Lucy’s look? Fill us in below on her edgy earrings!
— Jordyn Shaffer
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