‘Scandal’ Recap: Olivia, Fitz & Jake Team Up To Take Down Rowan

Was this the best episode of ‘Scandal’ yet? That’s a yes! The Nov. 6 episode featured shocking revelations about Rowan, Fitz and Tom. Yes, Agent Tom.

Scandal has gotten its groove back! The Nov. 6 episode was full of secrets, sexy moments and epic monologues. Olivia (Kerry Washington) and Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) were back on their nightly phone call routine, Old Mellie (Bellamy Young) made her triumphant return, Tom (Brian Letscher) finally got his moment and secrets concerning Rowan (Joe Morton) were finally revealed.

‘Scandal’: Blast From The Past

Now that there’s “hope” for Olitz, Fitz was calling Olivia nightly. And just like that, Olivia and Fitz were back to doing their normal thing. Fitz wanted to find a way to spend time with her now that there was “hope.”

At the moment, Olivia only want to know about “hope” for Jake. She grilled Fitz about whether Jake was receiving adequate treatment at the super max prison. Fitz refused to answer questions, which meant that was a “no.”

Meanwhile, Mellie was listening in on the Olitz conversation, so who knows how she’ll throw this back on Fitz later. 

Quinn headed to Mr. Winslow’s house and asked him about Kaitlyn’s death. What she really wanted to know was why Olivia was involved. “You can’t stop what’s coming,” he told Quinn, before he killed himself!

This crazy senator had to be replaced and the next up was Abby’s ex-husband, Chip. Yes, the ex who nearly beat her to death.

Abby made a frantic call to Olivia, who headed straight to the White House. Abby threw up all over her dress after seeing Chip and needed a new dress. Olivia found Abby crying under her desk. Abby didn’t want Olivia to tell Fitz about Chip, so Olivia was going to handle the situation in a different way.

That different way had a name — Susan Ross. Olivia was going to run Chip’s opposing candidate free of charge. Olivia had her work cut out for her, too. They did a full-fledged makeover on Susan. They needed dirt on Chip, but weren’t going to involve Abby.

‘Scandal’: The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships

Huck and Javi were still playing video games and it was adorable. Javi asked to hang out with Huck and he said yes! Quinn was worried about whether or not to tell Olivia about the photos, so Huck made the decision to keep that information from her for now.

Leo is back, so we can all say in unison: “Hallelujah!” His witty banter with Abby was still as delightful as ever. Sorry, David/Abby fans, because I still totally ship Leo/Abby.

There was an embassy bombing and Cyrus told Michael about the West Angola plans. He wanted to see if Elizabeth leaked anything to the press. Is Smart Cy really back?

Old, sassy Mellie was back and she was complaining about china. To help with Mellie’s boredom, Elizabeth went in for the kill. She convinced Mellie to voice her opinions about foreign policy. Oh, great.

Olivia was determined to get into super max prison. However, she didn’t want to see Jake, but Tom. What happened next was probably one of the best monologues in Scandal history.

“I don’t get to look at you very often,” Tom started off. Despite all the times he had been with Olivia, he had never really “seen” her.

“You are beautiful,” Tom said. “The face that launched a thousand ships.”

He asked Olivia why she left Fitz two months ago. Tom said that Fitz revolved around her and revealed that Fitz came to her apartment after she had left town.

“He needed you,” Tom said. “He was in pain. He wanted to die.”

That’s when he told Olivia about the suicide attempt. “I can protect him from everyone except you.”

Olivia was Helen of Troy and she could make men fall at her feet — Fitz, Jake, Huck Harrison, even Tom.

However, when Olivia asked Tom who ordered him to kill Jerry, Tom still said Jake.

‘Scandal’: Phone Sex, Hope & Campaign Videos

The Susan Ross campaign needed a big boost. Thankfully, her adorable daughter came in to save the day with the cutest campaign video ever.

Olivia’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed by Cyrus. Leo, who was managing Chip’s campaign, knew he had to up the ante. “She could sell a dual ticket of Hitler and Bin Laden,” Leo said. I’m so glad Leo is back.

Chip found Abby in the parking lot. He told her to give up on bringing him down. He was going to win and there was nothing she could do about it. Abby quickly pulled a gun on him and scared him away. Go Abby!

Abby went to Olivia with the gun still in her hand. Olivia told Abby to tell everyone about Chip. Abby didn’t want to be that woman. She felt like she had hit a dead end.

Fitz made his nightly phone call to tell Olivia about Jake. He was eating and getting enough sunlight. Olivia revealed she visited Tom and she confronted Fitz about his suicide attempt.

Fitz’s face just went blank. They sat in silence for what felt like forever. He didn’t want to talk about it, but rather, the hope between Olitz.

He wanted Olivia to come to the White House to prove their “hope.”

That’s when Olivia and Fitz engaged in phone sex straight out of the hottest Olitz fanfiction. I can’t even type it because it’s too darn hot!

‘Scandal’: Bringing Down Command

Huck made it to the arcade to meet Javi, but he just couldn’t go in. Ugh, Huck. You’re killing me.

But don’t underestimate little Javi. At the end of the episode, Javi showed up to Pope & Associates. He knew Huck was his father!

After his valiant efforts, Ethan still couldn’t find anything on Elizabeth concerning West Angola.

Leo and Abby had another run-in. Yay! He told her that Susan Ross was going to lose, which meant that Chip was going to win. That’s when Abby confessed about how Chip brutally beat her down. Leo was shocked, to say the least.

Later, Leo told Abby that Chip resigned. Leo had actually leaked information about his own client. He couldn’t let Chip win. Leo and Abby started drinking together and even kissed! YAS!

Rowan was waiting for Olivia when she got home and already knew about Tom. He basically threatened his own daughter. “Against me, you will lose,” he said to Olivia. Olivia, run.

Tom was still being held in super max prison, but got an unfriendly visit from Command. The officer stabbed Tom! Is he dead?

Quinn and Huck finally told Olivia about the photos. For someone who is being followed, Olivia didn’t seem too worried.

Elizabeth successfully used Mellie to get the word out about foreign policy. Cyrus knew it because he had told Michael they were sending in the USS Roosevelt when they were really sending in the USS Truman. BOOM.

Fitz was angry with Mellie for her involvement in this political drama. “I’m back, baby,” she said. She was pissed at Fitz for telling her to get a grip so quickly when she had been holding up their family for 20 years.

Olivia called in the midst of their argument and Mellie answered! While this would normally make things super awkward, Olivia had a really good reason to be calling.

Olivia revealed to Fitz that Tom confessed that the order to kill Jerry came from her father.

Fitz how Olivia got him to confess. “He’s a B613,” she said. “I handled him the way my father would have.” Olivia had Tom stabbed! They had to band together to take down Rowan, but they needed one more person — Jake!

Jake was taken to the bunker where he was greeted by Olivia and Fitz.

HollywoodLifers, what did you think of tonight’s Scandal? Can you believe Olivia had Tom stabbed? What did you think of Tom’s monologue to Olivia? Are you totally obsessed with Javi? Are you glad Old Mellie is back? Let us know!

— Avery Thompson

More ‘Scandal’ News:

  1. ‘Scandal’: You’ll Never Guess Who’s Returning To Terrorize Olivia Pope
  2. ‘Scandal’ Recap: Olivia Goes To Great Lengths To Save Jake From Rowan
  3. ‘Scandal’ Recap: Jake Goes Down For Jerry & Harrison’s Deaths
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