Workout Do’s & Don’ts with


Whether you’re trying to lose holiday weight or getting your bikini body ready, celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels has all the tips you’ll need to get kickstarted.

Burn More Calories Than You are Eating -- Weight loss is ultimately calories in vs calories out.

TIP 1:

Make Fitness Fun. Play! Go skiing, hiking, kayaking etc. -- any activities that keep you fit that you enjoy!

TIP 2:

Be Wary of Fad Dieting. Even if they get results in the moment, the kick back effect is severe.

TIP 3:

Remember, It’s About Feeling Good. Fitness is transcendent. When we feel strong physically, we feel stronger in all facets of our lives. 

TIP 4:

Moms, Get the Kids Involved: Shoot hoops with them. Jump at a trampoline park. Have a dance party. The idea is to make ‘fitness’ about fun. 

TIP 5: